Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 9 Iquitos, Manatees, Home

Woke up just after 2am again; so got up and blogged.  Showered and went topside for 5am coffee.  
Unsure what life back home will feel like… now that I have seen and done these things this week.   
Still teary eyed...
Packed, showered and had breakfast at 7:30am.  Disembarked in Iquitos (Peru) at 8:30am.

*  *  *  *  * 

Given driving tour of Iquitos through the rain.  Still grateful that this trip had so little rain.  When it did rain, it was at unusually convenient (to us) times!

Iquitos' claim to fame is it is our world's largest city (by population) inaccessible by roads.
Political Posters - Mayor
One of two pigs/peccary loaded onto Tuk-Tuk
Tuk Tuks sporting rain shields
Saw many short 'man doors' inside larger doors

Iquitos has cars - even though the city is accessible only by plane/boat
Gassing up Tuk Tuks
Dirt roads are common in Iquitos

Manatee Rescue Center

On the way to the airport we stopped at ACOBIA-DWAzoo Amazonian Manatee Rescue Center in Iquitos and fed manatees.  Manatees are known also known as sea cows and measure up to 13 feet and 1,300 lbs.  All three species of manatee are listed by the World Conservation Union as vulnerable to extinction.
Logan of Suffolk, VA - feeding Manatees
Logan of Suffolk, VA - feeding manatees

Flights Home: 26 hours / 3 planes

  1. Sat 4/11:  11am checkin for flight.  12:30pm - 2:30pm Iquitos to Lima (630 miles over Andes Mountains, all in Peru).
    • At Iquitos' airport, we checked luggage and cleared security.  Again we were able to take though Security: any liquids, bottled water and boxed lunches.  And we did not need to undress or send laptops through separately.  
    • As we enjoyed our boxed lunches as the gate, our expedition leader, collected food items we did not eat.  I saw the bag of our uneaten food given to the airport janitorial staff.  
    • 4pm-10pm:  6 hours in hotel to shower/eat/nap - use free wi-fi (!) for first time in a week!  
  2. 10pm checkin for flight. Sun 4/12: 2am - 9:30 am Lima to Atlanta (6.5 hrs, with time change)
  3. Sun 4/12: 12:15 pm - 1:40 pm Atlanta to Norfolk


    1. Riding in the tuks looks like fun. Thanks for sharing your photos - we will have to relive the trip with you over wine some time.

    2. I was rereading your post. Your comment about being teary eyed struck me - it shows much the trip affected you emotionally. That is a good thing. I hope you have many more adventures.
